
usage: gcv [<args>]

init                        Sets up the initial GitComponentVersion.json file
release                     adds a record to the history section for a component,
                            tags the repostiory with {name}_v{next},
                            and bumps the [next] version to the next minor version.
update                      Will recursively search for all 'AssemblyInfo.cs' files in the component
                            and update them with the correct version number.

-c, --component             A comma separated list of component names.
                            Makes a release entry into the history section for the named component.
-v, --variable              Restricts output to the specified variable
-h, --help                  Display this help screen.


Display the specified variable for info for a single component

> gcv -c core -v NuGetVersion

Display the specified variable for info for all components

> gcv -v NuGetVersionV2
        "Name": "core",
        "Name": "billing"

Display the version info for a single component

> gcv -c core

Display the version info for all components

> gcv
        "Name": "core",
        "Name": "billing"

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